KK Launcher Prime (KitKat Launcher) v3.6

KK Launcher Prime (KitKat Launcher) v3.6

KK Launcher, is the most polished & completely customizable KitKat style launcher for Android 4.0+,
Buttery Smooth, NO AD & the Rich features

What's New
v3.6 update(2014-4-2):
1. Add the more KK shortcuts
2. Add 2 fingers gesture (Prime)
3. Add a folder swipe up & the swipe down gesture (Prime)
4. Fix the SMS unread count are unavailable after using the icon pack
5. Fix the dock icon's glow being cut
6. Fix the crash in 10.1 Android tablet
7. Fix the crash in icon edit & sidebar
8. Add a Chinese Traditional (Tenny Lu), Italian (SubSeven93) & Czech (Radek Homola) very great thanks

KK Launcher Prime (KitKat Launcher) v3.6KK Launcher Prime (KitKat Launcher) v3.6

KK Launcher Prime (KitKat Launcher) v3.6KK Launcher Prime (KitKat Launcher) v3.6

KK Launcher Prime (KitKat Launcher) v3.6KK Launcher Prime (KitKat Launcher) v3.6

Require 4.0 and Up & File Size 6mb

Prime Features Unlocked